fredag 30 april 2010

The journey towards the new me...

Hey ya'll!

My personal blog got taken away today or yesterday. I guess it has something to do with the fact that something's been happening to my gmail account. My theater teacher told me in class today that my gmail has been spitting out emails with Viagra ads! And I know for a fact that I've sent no such things to anyone! And when I was supposed to log in earlier today it said that my account was unavailable. So I guess they think that I've violated the terms or something and since my blog is connected to that email account that one got deleted to. Oh well then I remembered this little baby that I haven't been taken care of enough. Sorry Ella and Hanna! I will from now on do better! Because I know a lot of ppl read my blog. Or have started to read it! thoughts for the day or for the last week actually has been, well let's just say that they could have been better. Nothing big and definatley nothing to worry about! It's just the same old Frieda thinking bad and putting herself down and comparing to other ppl. U know the drill. So yesterday Linnea brought it to my attention, not in a bad or angry way. No, in the friendly concerned kinda way. We were sitting at on the grass on Campus and talking and she said that she thinks it's sad that such a wonderful, nice, kind and beautiful girl like me should feel so bad about herself. Because I really don't need or have to! And I know this deep down, I think. Or maybe not. See there I go again. Well. It's just that it's there buried deep under my skin within my soul. And it's not just something you "get rid" of in one day. But as she said it, it made me start thinking that maybe ppl are picking up on it more than I actually realize. And even if I feel that I'm in a little low period at the moment, concerning career and other stuff, I need to develop a thicker skin! Otherwise I'm, never gonna make it or even have the guts to try and make it. And ppl, especially guys in this matter will not want to have a girl that thinks like that about herself. So I decided that today is gonna be the first day of the rest of my life. And I'm gonna do what Paul, my acting teacher suggested, shift focus and try to beat those demons inside and turn them into something useful! Oh, Paul and Jocelyn really are my inspirations and kind of like two mentors. I've already told them that once, but I think I'm gonna tell them again. Cuz they always makes me feel good. Even if it's just a little thing. And that's something that I appreciate. I'm gonna give them something "little" last day of class. I think they're gonna like it, or I hope they're gonna like it! I can't tell u here what it is, cuz someone might read and tell them...ha ha.

Well I can't promise that I'll succeed with this new-Frieda thing instantly, but I'll definatley try! I actually went to the Student Health Center, the counseling center today and booked an appointment for Monday. I just want to ease my chest a little bit, get a few things out of my system and tell a complete stranger about me feelings and thoughts just to see what they think. U don't have to have the worlds biggest problem or issues in order to go and talk to someone.

Ah well, there were more stuff I was gonna tell u guys, but I'll leave that for tomorrow. I think I'm gonna hop in to bed soon. It's getting kinda late.

Take care my friends and we'll talk soon!

XoXo - Frieda K*

Newport Beach Film Festival - At Hästens store at Fashion Island...Pre mingle!

måndag 5 april 2010

Söndagsmiddag på en måndag

Nyss hemkomna från att lämnat av Luca på Landvetter. Himla tråkigt att han åkt =/. Innan Landvetter hann vi med en middag på La Gondola med god mat och dryck.


söndag 4 april 2010

En morgon dagen efter

Det har varit en innehållsrik helg. Helt ofattbart att jag orkar stå på benen. Jag kan det men inte Jessica, ännu. I fredags var vi och spelade biljard vilket var trevligt. Men fasen vad dålig jag har blivit! Måste spela mer och oftare. Men biljard blir mer naturligt utomalnds, i sol och värme.

Igår tog vi en runda på stan och kollade läget. Vi åt en lunch på Tranquilo och tog en öl i solen. Rätt skönt ställe men man får inte så mycket på tallriken. Men ölen var god =). Sedan gick vi vidare till Universeum. Jag har inte varit där på flera år. Aporna var supersöta! =D

Vi avslutade dagen med en fika i Haga. Älskar denna vackra stadsdel! Kvällen spenderades på Lounge.

Nu blir det söndagsmys och senare antagligen fotbollskväll på ett sporthak. Jessica släpar med Luca på en dagstur till Borås =) hehe.


fredag 2 april 2010

Långe fredag

Imorse skuttade jag och Jessica ut på en joggingrunda i Slottsskogen förbi pingviner och sälar. På vägen stannade vi och plockade lite björkris för vår kommande kreation. Är det påsk så är det.

Här är Fjädris med sin kompis Tuppis på pallis.

Nu ska vi iväg och hämta upp Gianluca på flygplatsen. Gud nåde Jessica om han är en galen pervers kleptoman. Nää skämt och sido så kommer vi nog ha kul som vi alltid har. Fick present av Jessica förut. Jättefina pilgrimsörhängen och ett Miss trouble linne =)



torsdag 1 april 2010


Nyss kom älskade Jessica hit från Kalmar! Hon ska vara vår hemmakyckling hela påsken och det ska bli superkul! Äventyrhela helgen och imorgon kommer herren från Schweiz. Hur ska det sluta! Dags för vino blanco.

Glad Påsk på er!
